週一, 07 八月 2023 03:29

【國科會】2024-2025法國國家科學研究院(NSTC-CNRS) 國際新興活動(IEA)雙邊人員交流計畫/2024-2025 French National Academy of Sciences (NSTC-CNRS) International Emerging Activities (IEA) bilateral personnel exchange plan

徵求單位 科教國合處 徵求階段 計畫書
計畫類別 學術研究 計畫領域 跨領域/不分領域
主題名稱 公開徵求2024-2025法國國家科學研究院(NSTC-CNRS) 國際新興活動(IEA)雙邊人員交流計畫
徵求期間 112年7月6日至112年9月28日(本校自訂截止日為9/20,請在9/20前完成線上系統送出)
計畫經費 補助合作計畫下之短期訪問或研習,以2年期計畫為限。計畫內研究人員赴對方進行短訪所需之費用(包括來回機票費、生活費、證照保險費等)。
補助期程 計畫執行期限:113年1月1日至114年12月31日
計畫重點 國際新興活動(International Emerging Action, IEA)係指由法國國家科學研究院(CNRS)轄下研究機構內之計畫主持人,與國外研究機構之計畫主持人,以探索新興研究領域及發展新國際夥伴關係為最終目標之計畫,屬2年期計畫,不限領域,IEA補助雙邊機構之國際交流訪問費用。
對象/資格 1. 我方主持人須符合本會「補助專題研究計畫作業要點」之計畫主持人資格。
2. 法方主持人需為CNRS下所屬實驗室內研究人員。
聯絡方式 姓名:胡敏琪 先生
Tel:886-2-2737 7683
Fax:886-2-2737 7607


solicitation unit Department of Science and Education solicitation stage plan book
Program category Academic Research Project area Cross field / No field
subject name Call for 2024-2025 French National Academy of Sciences (NSTC-CNRS) International Emerging Activities (IEA) bilateral personnel exchange plan
solicitation period July 6, 112 to September 28, 112(School's deadline is in 9/20, please finish online system before 9/20.)
Program costs Short-term visits or studies under the subsidized cooperative program are limited to 2-year programs. Expenses required for short-term visits by researchers in the project (including round-trip air tickets, living expenses, insurance premiums for licenses, etc.).
Subsidy period Plan execution period: January 1, 113 to December 31, 114
Program focus International Emerging Action (IEA) refers to the project hosts in the research institutions under the French National Academy of Sciences (CNRS) and the project hosts of foreign research institutions to explore emerging research fields and develop new International partnership is the ultimate goal of the project, which is a two-year project, not limited to the field, and the IEA subsidizes the international exchange and visit expenses of bilateral institutions.
Object/Eligibility 1. Our hosts must meet the project host qualifications of the Association's "Key Points for Subsidizing Special Research Projects".
2. The French host must be a researcher in a laboratory under CNRS.
contact method Name: Mr. Hu Minqi
Institution: Office of Science and Education Development and International Cooperation, National Science Council
Address: No. 106, Section 2, Heping East Road, Taipei City
Tel: 886-2-2737 7683
Fax: 886-2-2737 7607
E-mail: mchu@nstc. gov.tw


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