週一, 27 十二月 2021 07:36


2020-2021 IDA設計獎-社會設計/生態可持續設計-金獎
2020-2021 IDA設計獎-社會設計/環境設計-銀獎
2020-2021 IDA設計獎-社會設計/環境設計-銅獎
2020-2021 IDA設計獎-社會設計/生態可持續設計-銅獎

陳憶綸I-Lun,Chen 鄭羽彤Yu-Tung,Cheng 呂佳澄Chia-Cheng,Lu
指導老師:尤宏章 Yu- Hung Chang

作品名稱:哞哞盆 Plant Nature Pots

作品簡介(設計理念) :
Plastic flower pots will not only cause trouble while repotting but used plastic flower pots will also become a waste. The Plant Nature Pots are made from cow dungs. The pot itself is a nutrient source for plants and is biodegradable. The potted plants are automatically watered through the water absorption of cow dung and the holes in the inner layer. Designed with the shape of cows nipples, it symbolizes that pots provides space and nutrients for the plant to grow.

Nursery adoption plan: Take Australia as an example. Use local cow dung to make the Plant Nature Pots, and plant the eucalyptus tree of which the koalas’ diets are made up to improve the difficulty in repotting. After biodegrading, it can not only nourish the soil and grow grass but also be used for restoring plants that were destroyed during the Australian bushfire season.





作品名稱:生態警衛Ecology Guard
作品簡介(設計理念) :
市售警示浮球為塑膠製成,因長期使用與海浪沖刷,產生永久性污染的塑膠微粒 ,對海洋造成傷害。「生態警衛」運用牛糞替代保麗龍材質,減少海廢發泡材的 比例,可被分解並對海洋無害。
上半部利用暗光漆達到分區警示效果,下半部人工魚礁以片狀珊瑚簡化後做造型 設計,海中生物能穿梭其中,保護生物並能使海洋生態多樣性更豐富。
The cow dung ecology guard is substituted for Styrofoam. It can reduce the proportion of foam in ocean waste. With no harm to the ocean, it can be decomposed. The upper half of the design painted in luminous for call attention.
The screw thread structural design in the bottom part helping to increase the habitat for sea creatures and algae as similar as the fish reef.
The surrounding area is not only noticeable as the oceanic preservation location, but also strengthen ecological restoration segmentation, enrich the variety of the marine ecosystem.




作品名稱:牛糞浮具Cow Dung Buoyant Device
作品簡介(設計理念) :
Over the years, the marine reproductive industry has used massive styrofoam on making sheds, buoys, and lane ropes, etc. It does not only caused a large amount of marine waste, but also permanent pollution caused by fragmented styrofoam particles.
“Cow dung buoyant device” is organic and a product that can be recycled. After being heat pressed, with the characteristics of cow dungs, this product can be placed in the sea, it will be biodegraded into fiber for fishes to eat or decompose naturally after a year.
“Cow dung buoyant device” is suitable for coastal industries, such as oyster sheds. Its head and end are streamlined to reduce resistance, the upper groove is added to standardize the placing of the sheds, and the handles on both sides make it easier to grab. Its alkalescent can neutralize the acidic water caused by air pollution.




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